These sessions are so important to me and I know they will be for you too. 

You will: 

Take yourself on a journey.

Feel the essence + confidence you hold within you while I capture you.. The Beautiful you! 

Break away from the societal stories that tell you you’re not enough and honour you standing in your highest power. This session will help you realise the love you have for you overflows into every area of your life and release old body stories you no longer need to hold on to.

I am going to capture you, as your are, where you are. 

I am going to capture your story and your journey.

I am going to create a sacred master piece for you to honour, love and cherish all parts of you in this moment of your life. The album can be your heirloom for many generations to come.

Seriously, never stress, we've got this! You're amazing and you are so so BEAUTIFUL, I know you already know that but let's take this love to the next level and challenge all beliefs. The powerful impact of this experience goes far beyond the day of your photoshoot. It can transform the way you see yourself, what you go out and do, how you treat yourself and your relationships. Embodying this self-love and confidence will flow into every area of life like it has done for me.


"The self love expansion shoot with Sharnelle was just that EXPANSIVE. Sharnelle created such a safe, loving space for me to be in my body, in a way that I felt both free and held. This shoot was honestly so much fun, I felt totally able to be my wild and playful self, while Sharnelle captured the magic without needing me to be a particular way. Her ability to hold the space for me to be in my most authentic expression empowered me to explore the edges of my comfort zone and allow the multiple parts of myself to be witnessed. From wild, free and playful, to soft and sensual, to powerful and fierce, I feel like this experience supported me to recognize how much I have embodied the last 4 years of inner work I have done to come home to myself and my body.
Looking back on the photos and receiving the album allowed me to see myself in a whole new light. I could finally see what I was embodying, I could finally see the woman that I am. Proud to take up space, proud of my body, I would even go as far as to say a feminine Goddess. This album is something I will treasure and cherish for the rest of my life, as the reminder of all that I am and all the I desire for other women. I often look back on this album when I have moments of self doubt or questioning and I am instantly taken back to this day and how I felt. And I remember my truth. 
Sharnelle is an incredible guide, an amazing woman with a huge heart who will show you the you, that you might not have met yet but who is longing to be remembered. 
I can't thank Sharnelle enough for sharing her magic with me and allowing me to experience my own magic at the same time.
If you have the opportunity to participate in a SLE session with Sharnelle, I highly encourage you to allow yourself to take this journey, allow any discomfort or resistance to guide you forwards and imagine what could be on the other side of this for you.
All my love,
Sarah "

Investment - $1111

Meditate/journal/release old stories/discover you.

You'll receive:
1 hour photography session.
30 final high resolution digital files.delivered via an online gallery.
1 heirloom album honouring you and your story.
Self-Love Expansion.

*Conditions apply
All images received are for personal use only.
Travel fees outside of The Mount/Papamoa may apply.

Book now

My why

I can't believe the growth I embodied since 2020, after witnessing my body change dramatically after having children I would look at my wedding photos and felt ashamed of my body and what it's looked like since. 

Since working on myself and learning, admiring and inner growth I can now look at that girl and be proud of the me I am now and all my body and I have achieved.

When I photograph woman I feel complete admiration for their strength, confidence and beauty and now when I look at my photos I can see that within myself.

When I had photos taken of me I felt super vulnerable and I opened that space for myself. I pushed away all the fears of judgement and the need of validation from others and did this FOR ME, felt love for me and embodied all that I am. IT FELT AMAZING. I honestly don't know a better way to embody your higher self than stand as her in front of the camera. From here it just feels like nothing could stop me. I feel so much self belief and my awareness for destructive stories helps me achieve all my dreams. Every time I go back and look at these photos I feel so much joy and pride.

It was my personal experience that led me to doing this for others - I just wish for everyone to know they are good enough just as they are. 

Your mind is so powerful. I've looked in the mirror with no love for myself when I was so much "skinnier," when there was no stretch mark in sight and when my boobs pointed up. Now that's all so different, I've been on a journey and I will no longer hide away from myself. 

I want every one to know they're beautiful just the way they are. You never have to go on a diet and look at yourself like you need to do something to be better. Let's break away from societal conditioning what makes us feel like we're not enough and see/accept ourselves right now.

My why

I can't believe the growth I embodied since 2020, after witnessing my body change dramatically after having children I would look at my wedding photos and felt ashamed of my body and what it's looked like since. 

Since working on myself and learning, admiring and inner growth I can now look at that girl and be proud of the me I am now and all my body and I have achieved.

When I photograph woman I feel complete admiration for their strength, confidence and beauty and now when I look at my photos I can see that within myself.

When I had photos taken of me I felt super vulnerable and I opened that space for myself. I pushed away all the fears of judgement and the need of validation from others and did this FOR ME, felt love for me and embodied all that I am. IT FELT AMAZING. I honestly don't know a better way to embody your higher self than stand as her in front of the camera. From here it just feels like nothing could stop me. I feel so much self belief and my awareness for destructive stories helps me achieve all my dreams. Every time I go back and look at these photos I feel so much joy and pride.

It was my personal experience that led me to doing this for others - I just wish for everyone to know they are good enough just as they are. 

Your mind is so powerful. I've looked in the mirror with no love for myself when I was so much "skinnier," when there was no stretch mark in sight and when my boobs pointed up. Now that's all so different, I've been on a journey and I will no longer hide away from myself. 

I want every one to know they're beautiful just the way they are. You never have to go on a diet and look at yourself like you need to do something to be better. Let's break away from societal conditioning what makes us feel like we're not enough and see/accept ourselves right now.